Oil for Life
Here we are once again, freshly hoodwinked by evil genius Karl Rove and the hate puppets of the airwaves. I'm so angry at those Mississippi River red states. I'm never going to speak to them again, whoever they are (and would they even understand me if I did?). It's been suggested that they turned out in droves to ban gay marriage, and then went home to marry their cousins and their cows. I doubt that's true. Then again, it is another country out there....
Hey, I just read that, according to an eight-nation report compiled by 250 scientists, the Arctic is warming almost twice as fast as the rest of the planet due to a buildup of heat-trapping gases. And the trend is set to continue. But the good news is that, once all that useless snow and ice has melted, oil and gas deposits will be easier to reach. Yippee!
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