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brain spoon n. 1. A device used by 4th century Quirinalian monks to exact revenge for crimes deemed monstrously immoral. The device consisted of a large scoop with razor sharp edges, fixed to bellows and a hollow tube, through which was poured a mixture of vinegar and molten metal intended to soften the skull, thereby facilitating cranial penetration and extraction of brain sections. 2. Any device which causes extreme pain in the craniocerebral region.

And now, for The Best of Wayne Moon, you'll have to weed through this mangled Myspace site that will need to be reconstructed after their attempt to keep up: Wayne Moon on Myspace.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Early Warning

One week before the most important U.S. election in my lifetime and I'm all a-twitter, because I know that today will probably be the day they trot out bin Laden. "See! We got 'em!" they'll say. And John Kerry will casually toss off, "Yes, but we will continue to hunt down the tewwowists and kill them in ow tewwowist-hunting costumes. It's still tewwowist season." Anyway, just thought I'd warn you.


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