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brain spoon n. 1. A device used by 4th century Quirinalian monks to exact revenge for crimes deemed monstrously immoral. The device consisted of a large scoop with razor sharp edges, fixed to bellows and a hollow tube, through which was poured a mixture of vinegar and molten metal intended to soften the skull, thereby facilitating cranial penetration and extraction of brain sections. 2. Any device which causes extreme pain in the craniocerebral region.

And now, for The Best of Wayne Moon, you'll have to weed through this mangled Myspace site that will need to be reconstructed after their attempt to keep up: Wayne Moon on Myspace.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Lapping at the Cavity Well

Vote delayed on fluoridated water
By Lawrence Hajna, Courier-Post Staff

The state's Public Health Council on Monday delayed a vote on whether to require fluoridation of a substantial portion of New Jersey's water supplies, saying the public should have an opportunity to comment on the proposal. The council was poised to vote on a petition by the New Jersey Dental Association but pulled the vote upon the recommendation of the Department of Health and Senior Services.

The dental association is pushing for a regulation requiring investor-owned water companies to fluoridate their water to a standard of 1 part per million. The association says this will help in the fight against tooth decay.

Do you really think that dentists want to win the fight against tooth decay? It's a cavity cash cow for them and the insurance industry. They're all in the business to make money. So why is the Dental Association pushing so hard to dump that by-product of industrial processes into our water? Who would be "encouraging" them to do so? It all smacks of . . .

Um, if I should be so unfortunate as to be in a situation where I should, say, require emergency dental surgery, I suggest you delete your browser history. You never saw this.


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